This domain and everything under it is owned and managed by a parent with some complex attitudes towards technology, especially software A very small sample of what he has worked on. , informed by >4 decades spent creating (mostly in obscurity) and using it.

After a 20 year hiatus He was one of the cool kids with his own website in the 90's until he realized it was work, and he didn't need it. , he finds himself again with a website on the Intertubes. Time will tell whether he is any wiser as to the use of the platform, or indeed yet needs it.

But he digresses...

He has had a lifelong proclivity for looking under hoods and behind curtains and creating order with tools of all kinds including words and keywords. C, Javascript and Rust are neighbors! ...that is, for R&D. These traits were first manifest as precocious programming on a VIC-20 in 1981, building ham radio kits and, later, in paid roles in both engineering and scientific research contexts.

His professional life began in 1995 at a 12-person designer & manufacturer of test equipment for avionics databuses. Within months of being hired as a technical writer, he was also writing device drivers for Windows 95 and, subsequently, Windows NT and Linux After discovering Linux (and open-source, in general) in 1997, he has run Linux at home almost exclusively, having lost all interest in investing in walled gardens. . He was various kinds of "pure" software developer until around 2003. "Big data" had already arrived in biology on the back of innovative assay technologies, and his mathematics degrees and programming experience attracted the attentions of biomedical research employers MGH/Harvard, ISB, P&G and UEF . They dangled some very interesting intellectual challenges to lure him back to academia.

"...And then one day you find,
Ten years have got behind you,..."

...20 actually, during which the only constant was software development, though he wore other hats ...including, b.n.l.t: wetlab technician, bioinformatician, biologist, statistical modeler, author, mentor as well. Ultimately, he failed to cure cancer but did make a bit of progress on Shigella flexneri.

He's still deciding whether or not this 20-year detour was a net positive. In any case, he learned a lot He believes Thomas Hobbe's "Leviathan" needs a sequel incorporating the 20th century's progress in understanding how life, and everything derived from it, walks the razor's edge between mutualism and centripetality. Go ahead. Ask him WTF he's talking about. 😜 and can now do a respectable impersonation of an oncologist Unfortunately, impersonating an oncologist, no matter how accurately, is rightfully illegal.🥸 .

More usefully, he became a programming language polyglot and jack of all many IT trades. and, despite the adage, can claim to have mastered at least one: programming
And after years of coaxing open-source "good efforts" to execute, often on operating systems or hardware for which they weren't intended, he can wade into any software development context and be productive frightfully quickly. Additionally, his mathematical and statistical competencies have grown through constant use for most of his career.

He can be reached .